Working For A Healthy And Educated Nation

Mentor Foundation is Non-Governmental, Non-Political a social serving organization registered under the society registration act 1860 (Reg. No.  KAR 039) in 2013. Mentor Foundation managed by educationists and social activists to help the marginalized people of the nation. Mentor Foundation is working since 2013 specially for middle class families through benevolent donations and sustainable development fund. The prime focus of the foundation is to educate people and enhance the capacity of individuals through various human development programs.

From the the last 12 years Mentor Foundation is working to minimize the problems of destitute people specially middle class. This is observed that our middle class families of the society badly suffered with COVID-19’s and after shocks. This is also important that Middle class families can’t sit on street to eat food or beg for zakat or donations. Mentor Foundation is focus on the basic necessity of society specially for food, health and school and Skilled based education with care of the self respect of middle class families. Our objective is a healthy and Educated Nation.

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